Medical Massage & Integrative Therapy
702-371-8944 NVMT#4979
Healthcare License 2008497-062-101
Ready to take your physical wellness to the next level? The Body work Specialist Mina Marissa Garcia will get you noticeable results seen on first session. Your health is an investment and therapy that yields results is worth everything.
Who can benefit? Everyone who wants to elevate their performance or fix recurring soft tissue dysfunction. Your physical integrity affects your mental and emotional health, so let me help you optimize!
Holistic Sports Rehab was created for Professional Athletes and anyone who find themselves facing the same repetitive injuries. Specifically curated applications and techniques have been used to get the player off the bench and back into play as quickly as possible.
Mina Marissa has designed S.M.A.R.T. which stands for
(Specific Meticulously Applied Recovery Techniques) that override the Nervous Systems panic alarm system that causes pain and immobility.
Working with the S.M.A.R.T technique has helped Athletes,persons struggling with auto-immune dysfunction, Power lifters, Cross Fit, and many people expedite healing and recover faster so that they can continue to do activities they love. In Addition, Marissa mentors and teaches other therapists and anyone in Aesthetics massage techniques.
Therapy available in LA and OC areas! CA #CMTC#7149
We can set up a chair at any event, corporate conferences, friends and family gatherings, or Employee appreciation. Please inquire rates for Tournaments requiring multiple Sports Massage therapists. Whatever your event, we want to help optimize your life!